Hi, everyone! We're more than halfway through 2022, and I don't know where the time has gone. I'm excited to announce that I've lowered the prices on my previously released titles: Clingstone, Watermark, and The Pretenders. My books can be found exclusively on Amazon and have dropped from $2.99 per ebook title to $1.99. I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I spend very little time marketing my books, and for that reason they're buried deep, deep, deep in the Amazon vault, with very little chance of a reader stumbling across them. I think I'm ranked in the 2 or 3 million sales ranking. Oh, the horror. Anyway, here's hoping my books will be available to more readers now with the lower prices, especially with how expensive the world has gotten lately. Escapism for under two dollars is what we all need in our lives! And in the spirit of fresh beginnings, I've revamped the covers for two of my titles, Watermark and The Pretenders. I used the same cover models but just freshened up the covers a bit. It's the curse of the creative artist's brain; I do the same thing in the other areas of my life. Repaint the walls, remodel the kitchen, landscape the yard over and over. So, in other words, I chase my tail a lot! But hey, it's all good. I hope you enjoy the revisions!
Hi ya, folks! Hope everyone is surviving this boiling weather. In honor of summer and the joy of sitting in air conditioning reading books, books, and more books, The Pretenders in ebook format will be free on Amazon during the following dates: June 24 & 25, 2022, July 2 & 3, 2022, and July 9, 2022. It received a Crowned Heart Review from InD'tale Magazine in 2020. If you haven't read Ivy and Shane's story yet, get your free copy on those dates!
All my titles are free in their digital format on Amazon from midnight May 6, 2020-11:59 pm May 10, 2020! That's right, folks: Clingstone, Watermark, and The Pretenders will all be available during this time for FREE!
As a fan of historical romance, would you like to participate in the voting process? If so, the Reader Voting Phase of the 2020 RONE Awards for the category of Historical: Victorian-20th Century takes place April 27-May 3, 2020! Register at www.indtale.com and make your vote count for the best historical romance published in 2019!
I'm pleased to announce The Pretenders received 4 1/2 Stars in the March issue of InD'Tale Magazine! Check out the excellent review by clicking here. Also, if you're a frequent visitor to Smart Bitches, Trashy Books, keep an eye out for my new ad!
The Pretenders will be available soon in paperback format on Amazon! As you can see, the print version is nearly identical to the ebook version except for some additional artwork of Ivy and Shane on the back cover. I'll repost once it's live on Amazon! Also, I spent/wasted several hours on Friday redoing my author photograph...I am now a cartoon! I think it has an artsy, pop-art feel to it. I uploaded it to all the appropriate sites: Amazon, Goodreads, and the Romance Writers of America, so be on the lookout for my avatar. Like I said, wasted time, but it was fun! |
Marti Ziegler